A new Azure DevOps sprint was just released. The sprint contains the following new features: Azure Pipelines YAML CD features are now available with the latest Azure DevOps update, plus more improvements to the Azure Pipelines user experience. Go to the sprint.
Sebastian Schütze
A new Azure DevOps sprint was just released. The sprint contains the following new features: An update to Azure DevOps enables you to configure deployment strategies from directly within the Azure portal, and includes several improvements to the Azure Pipelines and Azure Repos user experiences. Go to the sprint.
Sebastian Schütze
Great news! Rob Ros and I posted about on how to solve the problem of having variables across stages: Robs blog post https://rajbos.github.io/blog/2020/04/17/Azure-DevOps-update-release-variable-across-stages And mine Robs approach is for classic pipelines and mine was for YAML pipelines which was inspired by a PR from . But it was not [...]
Sebastian Schütze
Update 5.5.2020: There is now a native integration. Check my new blog post for an update. The new multi staging pipelines with YAML give you a lot of more flexibility. Variables can be used and shared between nearly every step (e.g. stages and jobs) but they can’t be shared out of the between stages. But hey, there is always a [...]
Sebastian Schütze
A new Azure DevOps sprint was just released. The sprint contains the following new features: An update to Azure DevOps includes improvements to pull-request actionability, pipeline security and compliance, and npm API performances to increase productivity and reduce latency. Go to the sprint.
Sebastian Schütze
A new Azure DevOps sprint was just released. The sprint contains the following new features: Multi-organization billing for Azure DevOps is now available. Go to the sprint.
Sebastian Schütze
Since multi-staging-pipelines with YAML have been introduced a big step has been done. They are declarative and configurable pipelines that can be versioned in a repository. One problem still comes: Change YAML -> commit -> run -> fail -> Change YAML -> commit -> run -> fail… Some people getting nerve wrecked [...]
Sebastian Schütze
A new Azure DevOps sprint was just released. The sprint contains the following new features: With this update, we’ve added a preview-but-don’t-run mode for YAML pipelines so you can try a YAML pipeline without running it or committing it to a repo. This will let you see a fully parsed YAML document without running the [...]
Sebastian Schütze
A new Azure DevOps sprint was just released. The sprint contains the following new features: An update to Azure DevOps includes improved Azure Pipelines security with read-only variables and support for output variables in deployment jobs. Go to the sprint.
Sebastian Schütze
Azure DevOps introduced the multi-stage-pipelines UX experience for GA with the sprint update 162 (not exactly, but it’s a big step because this is default now). With the introduction of this feature also pipelines as code were introduced. You may say “Whaaaaat? Pipeline as Code?”. Yes! In the past, Azure DevOps [...]
Sebastian Schütze