
General availability: Changes coming to Azure Pipelines free grants

Sebastian SchützeSebastian Schütze

A new Azure DevOps sprint was just released. The sprint contains the following new features:

With this update, we are including temporary changes that will impact the process to acquire Azure Pipelines free grants. New users will have to send an email and provide additional information to get free CI/CD.

Go to the sprint.

Sebastian is an Azure Nerd with focus on DevOps and Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) that converted from the big world of SharePoint and O365. He was working with O365 since 2013 and loved it ever since. As his focus shifted in 2017 to more DevOps related topics in the Microsoft Stack. He learned to love the possibilities of automation. Besides writing articles in his blog and German magazines, he is still contributing to the SharePoint Developer Community (and PnP SharePoint) to help to make the ALM part a smoother place to live in.