Debug with Windows Phone without using Zune
Are you annoyd using the Zune software to just deploy it to your Windows Phone 7? With the update of the WP7 developer tools this has an end!
Sebastian SchützeAre you annoyd using the Zune software to just deploy it to your Windows Phone 7? With the update of the WP7 developer tools this has an end!
Sebastian SchützeDid you ever asked yourself: “Why the hack can’t I use the keyboard in the windows phone 7 emulator? ” ? I got an answere for you. It is possible. Usually you would click on the textbox or anything that would cause the virtual keyboard to come up (see figure 1). Abbildung 1: Virtual Keyboard is activated But maybe you [...]
Sebastian SchützeDiese Nachricht erreichte mich von Stefan Ritter. Stefan Ritter ist Product Marketing Manager von Microsoft Deutschland. Nun aber zur Nachricht. Die von vielen Anwendern lange ersehnte Prozessvorlage Microsoft® Visual Studio® Scrum 1.0 ist ab sofort als kostenloser Download verfügbar. Bei Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum 1.0 handelt es sich [...]
Sebastian SchützeKlein, kleiner, japanische Technologie. これはラップトップですか。(kore wa rappu toppu desu ka?) – “Ist das etwas ein Laptop?”. Das dachte ich mir als ich in meiner Japanreise im Mai einfach mal in das Größte Technik Kaufhaus in Osaka (Umeda) vorbeischaute. Das auf über 5 Etagen verteilte Kaufhaus (dessen Name mir entfallen ist) bietet [...]
Sebastian SchützeWhat really amazed me is the way how I am writing this article. This article is written completely in Word 2010. Ok maybe many bloggers have done this the same way. Writing, saving, copying and pasting it into the editor of an online blog. But the difference is that I am neither doing any copy & paste nor I upload any pictures [...]
Sebastian SchützeSo what’s with the blogging? Am I infected as well? Maybe or better to say “we’ll see”! I was thinking: “What could be my first post?”. I could come up with a hell of an article but I think I dedicate my first post to the creative head of the blog software I am using. For the ones who still don’t [...]
Sebastian Schütze